Saturday, November 3, 2012

If You Are an Obama Suppoter...

Obama was raised and has lived his entire life as a statist/Marxist; that is his ideology, and it is anti-American. Why don’t you see that? 

Statism/egalitarianism always requires some to support others by force. How can you possibly consider that moral? 

Why do you accept his Keynesian economic policies when Keynes' theory has continually been proven false? Or why do you accept what sounds good over what works?   

Why do you assume that economic equality has anything to do with treating people equally? The former is Marxist, the latter is American. And why do you assume that different rules and standards apply to different people? Are we to be properly equal or not? 

How far are you willing to go in allowing Obama to sacrifice the more successful among us for the sake of the unproductive? Is someone who stays unemployed in order to avoid work and to cheat the government, or who gambles away his welfare check, worthy of our compassion and justified in forcing us to sustain his unearned lifestyle?  

Obama believes that government needs to compete with private industry; but, in fact, private industry alone produces goods and services that make an economy grow. Why don’t you see that we cannot afford to have government compete and that there is serious damage done by following his thesis? 

On what basis do you assume that government stimulus of the economy is better than private stimulus? You are replacing rational decision makers with the irrational, those with risk in the game with those without risk or incentive to be efficient. 

Bush had a deficit around $400B prior to TARP in 2008; and everyone including Obama supported TARP and considered it a requirement. Obama has added over $5T in deficits/debt, all optional. How can you say that Obama did not create his own economic mess? 

The producers (particularly the wealthy) in this country provide the jobs and government revenue to support the moochers and looters. How can you possibly say they don’t pay their fair share? 

Why do you only care about the benefits government can provide you today and not the heavy burdens your children and grandchildren will inherit tomorrow? 

Since you have accepted politicians providing you benefits at others’ expense, how can you possibly complain when they take from you to give to others - or themselves?
How can you have your cake and let your neighbor eat it too? 

If you have not contributed to society, then why do you feel society owes you something at the expense of the true contributors? If you have contributed yourself, then why do you feel that those who have not deserve the fruits of others’ labor? 

Why is one considered “greedy” to want to keep what he earns, but "compassionate" when he wants to take the earnings from one to give to others? 

If you think we cannot afford health care, then how in the world do you think we can afford ObamaCare with enormous inefficiencies and an enormous government bureaucracy to administer it? 

Does it bother you that science has verified that there has been zero global warming for the last 16 years, and that there has not been any concerning climate change in our lifetime; yet Obama’s entire energy and ecology policies are based on that myth? And he plans for more damaging EPA rules after the election. 

Does it bother you that he has subsidized - with tax dollars - inefficient “green” industries that have or will fail as the subsidies defy laws of economics? 

Do you approve of the cronyism that is associated with such policies? (It is certainly not capitalism that leads to that.) 

Do you like the high gas prices resulting from Obama’s energy policies? How can you complain about the prices without understanding the cause? 

Aren’t you a bit concerned that Obama strongly fights bullying – children taking things from others by force, yet he constantly bullies all of us with his statist/egalitarian policies? 

You are for the collective over the individual. But why aren’t you concerned about government controls over the individual? Why are you more supportive of statism than capitalism that leaves individuals free? There are no collective rights. 

Obama said he would end all military conflicts early in his term. Yet he escalated Afganistan and contributed to the crises in Egypt, Syria and Libya. He created the greatest conflict in the M.E. by sympathizing with Muslims, has accomplished nothing with Iran - our greatest concern, and has constantly rebuffed Israel - our only ally there. He has refused to recognize our real enemy. How can you possibly say his foreign policy is a success? How can you naively believe that killing bin Laden decimated Al Queda or that “leading from behind” has been a successful strategy? How can you accept his lies about M.E. events? Radical Islam has hijacked the “Arab Spring” and he cannot face it - so he lies about it.  

Obama said he was “offended” at the suggestion that his administration would attempt to deceive the public about the Benghazi attack (which he in fact did). After all the lies he has told, what is there that you can really believe he has not deceived us about? Certainly nothing dealing with foreign policy, ObamaCare, deficits, “green” energy, executive orders, etc. But that’s what nihilists do - have to do. 

Do you really believe he should be considered a hero for having bin Laden killed, when in fact Bush laid the groundwork for capture and any President would find it his duty to approve of the killing? Do you not find it arrogant of him to take all credit and to act like that made his foreign policy a success? 

Why is it okay for unions and other public institutions to influence votes for the Left, but not for churches to tell their members which candidate agrees with their values? 

Does it matter that Obama has no 2nd term agenda? That, by default, we will see a continuation of high deficits, slow growth, foreign policy weakness leading to increased terrorism, etc.? 

If someone does not accept your political views, how can you assume he does not care about the people you claim to want to help? And if someone disagrees with Obama, why do you assume he is a racist? 

Does it bother you that Obama is conducting the most negative campaign in our history? That he says it is detestable to attack personal character, yet he has frequently attacked Romney’s character and called him a liar - without any justification? Why can’t you recognize the contrasting honesty of Romney? 

Could anything convince you that Obama is a danger to this once-free country?
The best book you could read is Atlas Shrugged: Rand defines the likes of Obama very clearly; and you will be able to see why America will likely “shrug” more than it has with a 2nd Obama term.

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