Saturday, October 6, 2012

Contrasting Candidates

There is a huge contrast between the 2 Presidential candidates’ philosophical/political perspectives. More important is the contrast between the sources of knowledge about them that their followers appear to utilize. Most disturbing is the extreme bias in the mainstream media toward the Left and the gullibility and blind loyalty of its liberal followers. From TV to tweets, the latter seem to avoid any news sources that do not support Obama; that protects them from the truth about him. I ask them to read this 2-part article in an attempt to truly understand the ideology and policies they are supporting; to be objective and understand how their vote for Obama can destroy our economy and culture.  

First consider 3 types of people: Looters (L), Moochers (M) and Producers (P). Ls are those who use force to gain the unearned for themselves or others; they are primarily politicians.  

Ms expect the unearned but let government do the looting for them. They are both ‘have-nots’ who simply take what they can get, and ‘haves’ who vote for the Ls who can best meet their needs or the needs of others. They are egalitarian: they want everyone to be equal in terms of economic results. 

Ps act to create earned wealth and only expect the earned; they have the right to keep what they earn. They engage in free trade and expand the wealth pool to enable the economy to grow and provide jobs for others. They are thus the primary source of government revenue used to benefit the Ms. (And the M&Ls don’t think the Ps pay their “fair share”?) They believe in treating people equally - which does not mean making them equal. The M&Ls don’t seem to grasp the difference and that the result of their looting and mooching is fewer Ps and less to loot. 

The M&Ls are clearly immoral: their needs are not a moral claim on others and can only be attained via statist policies that force the Ps to support them without regard for the rights of others or for the negative economic impacts. This is essentially the Left (represented by Obama), and they are leading us to the ‘European state’ where even the threat of real austerity measures will cause riots in the streets. Is that really what they want?  

The Ps have a moral code that keeps them virtuous: rational, independent, honest, just, productive and proud. They depend on a capitalist system that supports all individuals’ freedom and rights, and enables each to achieve his goals to the best of his ability. This is what our Founding Fathers designed for this freest of all countries and it worked well until we started becoming a welfare state. The Ps’ are always willing to help the remaining have-nots via a basic safety net supported by charity and government where necessary. This is essentially the Right (represented by Romney) and their economic principles need to be applied as in our past. 

Enough of the vitriol, irrational talking points, lies and racist comments from the Left. Look no further than the VP debate for an example: Biden showed unacceptable disrespect for, and condescension toward, Ryan; and he clearly lied about ObamaCare (“death panels” and the mandate for contraceptives et al), not knowing of the Libyan embassy attack, and his votes on the Afghan and Iraq wars. Only after the personal attacks against Romney backfired did the Obama team drop their negative ads. 

Unlike Obama supporters, I will admit that Romney is not an ideal candidate. He is not enough of a true capitalist, is too pragmatic, and is too conservative (albeit not as radical as some) on social issues. That’s why I am an independent hoping for the Republican party to change certain views and become more principled. 

However, Obama is a radical idealist who is farthest from the ‘ideal’. What explains his Marxist philosophy with his class warfare, racism, egalitarianism and envy of the most successful, and what makes him most dangerous and evil, is his nihilism. He is, in essence, a destroyer of the good for being the good; and the good here is our country as defined by our founding documents. For the sake of the weak, he is willing to destroy the strong. 

He is destroying our economy with unsustainable debt and entitlements (driven by unearned need), business controls and regulations (driven by distaste for private markets), rule by executive order (unconstitutional and totalitarian), higher taxes, and the belief that government must stimulate the economy. The harmful results are obvious. Romney wants to free the private markets to stimulate the economy which will increase production, create jobs and reduce dependency on entitlements. 

Obama’s energy policy sacrifices oil, gas and coal industries to inefficient and impractical ‘green’ companies; it sacrifices a lucrative and job-enhancing Canadian pipeline to the Chinese; it controls energy use and raises energy prices. All this in the name of environmentalism (resting on the “global warming” myth) and egalitarianism. Romney wants to maximize energy production to enable us to become more energy independent, lower costs and reduce unemployment.  

ObamaCare is a significant contributor to our weak economy and is certain to destroy our health care system. It raises HC costs while lowering quality, prevents insurance companies from meeting real needs and lowering costs, controls and rations care, etc. As individuals and businesses are forced to drop existing policies, we will approach Obama’s shameful goal of a government-run, single-payer system. Romney wants to replace all that with sound reforms that will maintain high quality of care and lower costs. 

Obama has no real foreign policy. He appeases, empowers and subsidizes Muslims; he does not recognize our enemy, totalitarian Islam, even showing preference to Arab nations over Israel. He believes we are not exceptional; that we must be a less aggressive defender of “peace through strength.” We are a dangerously weaker nation as a result; e.g. the “Arab Spring” has created greater enemies with terrorist organizations taking control in the M.E. Romney believes that M.E. governments and their support of terrorism are not mere “bumps in the road” (see See also for an objective evaluation of the recent M.E. attacks.) Obama is more dangerous to our country than is our enemy. Romney wants to utilize our strengths and uphold our individual rights in implementing a foreign policy focused on our protection from that enemy.

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