To summarize: he grossly exaggerated the state of the
economy, impacts of climate change, educational achievements, and supposed positive
impacts of his statist policies; while grossly under-estimating the negative
impacts of such policies, and - most importantly - the real threat of terrorism
(as always). And his contradictions and denials of the facts were inexcusable.
He said he doesn’t want politics to “get in the way” and
have factions turn against each other; yet it is his own policies that have
done just that. You can’t impose statism/Marxism in this country founded on
principles of individual rights and freedom without expecting sharp divisions
among the populace. Mr. President, we can’t agree with you just for the sake of
satisfying your ego or your ideology. And your political posturing with
suggested programs that can’t possibly get through Congress won’t do you or the
country any good.
And you can’t promise bi-partisan cooperation while you
threaten multiple vetoes. Or brag about lowering the deficit (due only to the
stopping of stimulus spending) when wanting higher spending and ignoring the
debt. Or brag about low unemployment when the real unemployment rate remains
relatively high. Or brag about our recovery dwarfing that of Europe and then
strive to be more like Europe.
While reported unemployment is down somewhat, that is merely
due to private company growth, people dropping out of the job market (due much
to the expanded welfare state), and the natural (albeit slow) recovery from the
recession; and certainly not to government policies.
Financial regulations, tax policies and selective corporate
subsidies/bailouts are harming our economy, not helping as he suggested. His
proposed tax increases are merely more attempts to redistribute income; and all
such attempts at that have necessarily failed to boost our economy and work
against individual success.
He took credit for lower gas prices and energy independence,
when - in fact - those results are due to private energy development despite
his attempts to inhibit the same and raise fossil fuel costs; e.g. his
irrational dismissal of the Keystone pipeline.
He misstated facts about climate change; e.g. rising oceans
(a long-term phenomenon having nothing to do with man) and 2014 being the
hottest years on record. Mr. President, climate science is certainly not “closed”;
and honest scientists have disproved all of your and other environmentalist
claims re global warming. And don’t be so naïve to believe that China has truly
committed to significantly cutting CO2 emissions.
ObamaCare is significantly worsening our HC system and will
be very harmful to our economy, not the opposite as he suggested.
Instead of arguing for free trade that would be best for
all, he asked for the power to impose trade restrictions as he sees fit.
Education has been shown to work best in the private
marketplace. Government has certainly not, and cannot, improve test scores or
better prepare students for better paying jobs. It has, in fact, lowered
standards and hurt student opportunities; and has contributed significantly to
higher education costs. Creating special interests in education is like forced
redistribution of wealth: it only creates class warfare and diminished economic
progress. And free community college will only create the under-performing
problems that we have seen at the high school level.
He asked for the power to use force against ISIS, despite
the fact that he has already single-handedly used force against them and others
in multiple countries (albeit in the weakest fashion possible). And this after
saying “America should move off a permanent war footing.” Furthermore, he
continues to refuse to name our enemy - Islam, fails to fight terrorists and
terrorist regimes in a way required to ever defeat them, and fails to support
Israel in their lone fight against their terrorist neighbors.
From his weak stances against Iran, Syria and others in the
Middle East, to his pretense about successful negotiations with such countries,
to his naïve belief that he has halted Iran’s nuclear program, to his release
of dangerous terrorists from Guantanamo, to his failures in dealing with
Russia, Obama has shown no clue about our international vulnerabilities or the
ability to deal with them.
Obama is reaching out to the far left which has been his
true leaning all along. He is our most statist, anti-American President ever
and we must all recognize the danger of electing another ideologically similar candidate
for President. We are not a collectivist nation with a “common purpose” as Obama
believes. We are a nation of individuals, each of whom should strive to be the
best he can be, and government should leave him free to do so as our Founding
Fathers intended.
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