11/7 - Govt. acknowledged that Iranian
fighter planes had fired on an unmanned reconnaissance drone five days before
the election.
NID director Clapper “suggested” Petraeus resign as
head of the CIA.
11/9: Petraeus resigned. The Administration had previously
objected to his request to provide enhanced support of the Benghazi embassy and
his decision to release his own timeline of events; that was when the FBI told
Clapper of Petraeus’s affair. What a convenient time to push him out.
11/13: it was announced that 2 days after the attack,
Petraeus had said it was not one of terrorism; thus the supposed justification
for Susan Rice’s continual claims that it was merely a mob attack due to the
video. In fact, his actual acknowledgment of it being a terrorist attack was
omitted by someone at the White House from the report given to Rice.
Benghazi is Obama’s “Watergate” - perhaps worse. And all
the above were clearly timed to cover up events that could have affected the
election outcome. More lies and deceit.
War between Hamas and Israel escalated again. Obama
was relatively silent re Hamas’ actions but told Israel to show maximum
restraint! Then Israel was pressured into a peace agreement that is viewed as a
victory for Hamas, giving them more time to garner wider support and arms for
the next battle. Obama’s position again revealed his distaste for Israel. And
he has even been unwilling to expose Hamas’ “dead-baby” strategy which uses
innocent civilians as martyrs while the terrorists hide from return fire.
11/8: Obama deemed 1.6 million acres of federal land
unavailable for oil/gas exploration and production. He clearly lied re his
desire to pursue such development; his preference is to destroy competition for
green energy.
Obama continues to show support for immoral union
rules and laws that violate the rights of employers as it grants coercive powers
to unions and forces businesses to “negotiate” and concede to union demands
which always results in higher unemployment, higher prices for consumers, and
unsustainable production costs that have driven many companies out of business
or overseas. The latest victim is Hostess Brands with at least 15k jobs lost –
union jobs he purports to protect.
ObamaCare is already causing corporations to make changes
to compensate for regulations; e.g. cutting hours of employees to avoid fines
for lack of HC coverage. And there is growing evidence of a near-future
shortage of primary-care doctors. All this was predicted by non-supporters.
The USPS reported a $16B loss in the recent fiscal
year. Now it wants to eliminate Saturday mail service. It is time to end this
legal monopoly on delivery service; but in deference to the unions, Obama wouldn’t
accept that.
Obama continues to insist on raising taxes on the rich
in the interest of “fairness”, knowing full well that the economy would be hurt
by such a move. He has shown no interest in reducing spending and truly
resolving our fiscal crisis. He is all about divisiveness: poor and
middle-classes against the rich, minorities against whites, women against men. His
ends always justify his means.
Add it up: 0-7 against freedom and respect for rights!
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