On the domestic front, Obama shows no greater moral virtue than in his Foreign Policy.
It all began with his supposed dedication to his country as he associated with statists who believe in economic equality for all and the destruction of U.S. exceptionalism. That is explicit egalitarianism.
He claims to be serious about cutting the U.S. deficit and level of debt. But when Paul Ryan produced a deficit reduction plan that only reduced part of the projected increase in the deficit, Obama and other liberals called it radical and irresponsible. It seems impossible for a statist to tell the truth and to support government spending reduction.
He says that he respects the rights of the American people. But he does not act in defense of those rights; he sacrifices us for the sake of his political gain. E.g. his altruistic foreign policy that ignores our national interest; and his statist domestic policies which are based on an immoral standard of “need” and sacrifice of the wealthy and other select groups to those with whom he chooses to align himself.
He admits that entitlements must be reformed. Under current projections, they will consume
10.8% of GDP by 2020 (while defense spending goes down to 2.7%) and 100% by 2052!
Yet he fights every effort to reduce their costs.
Then he considers any reform of entitlements as “robbing the poor” to “give to the rich.” But it is okay to redistribute the wealth in the opposite direction. He also ignores the fact that entitlements for the poor are not rights of the poor: reducing them is merely giving them less for nothing - less of what they did not earn or deserve in the first place. And “giving to the rich” means cutting their taxes - which means reducing the amount government immorally takes from what they have earned. He wants greater wealth, yet he should know that redistribution does not achieve that.
He claims to support the free market, but he does not truly believe that one has a right to what he earns. He follows the immoral creed that need trumps rights and the collective trumps the individual.
He strongly supports public union “rights” to collective bargaining which are not rights at all. Ditto for all other government “permissions” that he chooses to call rights.
He believes in full disclosure but does not practice it and exempts unions, environmental groups and other special interests from disclosure requirements. In his latest proposal, he wants corporate political donations to be disclosed as a condition for bidding on government contracts; that can only lead to bias for companies that contribute to his causes - purely immoral politics.
He spoke hard about cleaning up Washington and eliminating favors to lobbyists. Then he continued the worst of Washington practices and gave jobs to big donors. Worse is his unreasonable favoritism toward leftist radical friends.
He said it is time to eliminate special interests. But he has set a record of support for special interests. “To big to fail” is merely an excuse to protect his friends and contributors.
He wants Congress to pass his preferred legislation. But when they don’t, he bypasses them with executive orders or uses other agencies to do his dirty work for him (e.g. EPA, NLRB).
He strongly opposed “pork” in legislation, but he continues to sign bills containing it.
He strongly supports the first amendment, but he attacked FOX - the most balanced TV network - of bias against him.
He fights against corporate “greed” and favoritism, yet he encourages crony-socialism (which he spins to be crony-capitalism) that creates the same.
He strongly supports equal and higher quality of education for all. But in his egalitarian way and in support of multiculturalism, he is lowering the standards and quality of education for minorities.
He wants immigration reform but never pursues it. He wants to protect the border and claims that he has completed that task, but has actually done little to do so and the border remains over 90% uncontrolled. He wants a guest worker program (essentially amnesty - not acceptable), but signed bills that virtually gutted the idea.
We need to better identify all illegals, allow only those willing to work and become citizens to stay, simplify the citizenship process and require basic English skills, and punish businesses who hire the rest. Protecting the border will then be an easier task.
He wants to reduce unemployment to boost the economy, but his policies contribute to it. He promotes government jobs over private sector jobs, reducing productivity and harming the economy. He favors renewable energy sources over traditional ones, ignoring the inefficiency of the former and further increasing unemployment.
And after harming private industries with his policies and regulations, he blames them for not helping the situation by becoming more efficient and requiring fewer workers; and uses absurd examples such as ATMs and airport Kiosks to make his point.
He is an environmentalist who pushes for Cap and Trade, green energy and EPA controls on the energy industry. Yet it has been proven that all of that would be devastating to business and increase unemployment.
He strives for energy independence but knows that is not possible; and his policies will achieve the opposite. He lifted the ban on off-shore oil drilling but has allowed very few permits to drill.
He complains about high gas prices and blames the oil companies. But his own policies have purposely contributed greatly to those prices in order to more easily justify his green alternative energy proposals.
ObamaCare was presented as a plan necessary to make insurance available for all and to lower costs. An insurance mandate was essential to make it work.
ObamaCare is already beginning to unravel: the “mandate” to date has millions of exemptions via waivers (justified because requirements will cause individuals to “lose their minimum health coverage or see their premiums increase” - Pelosi). And the truth is that the plan was, in part, designed to destroy the private insurance market.
His HC policies work against his own goals. E.g., the FDA is overly restrictive with private drug manufacturers, preventing timely use of their drugs and complicating treatments. It heavily fines them simply to generate revenue to help support ObamaCare. Only by discouraging drug use can it claim to be cutting costs.
Only by leaving doctors in charge of medical decision-making will we see continued progress in medical technology and practice.
While he claims to put America 's security at the top of his concerns, he seriously cuts the defense budget as he increases costs everywhere else. And he also fails to realize that we are weak globally when we are weak economically at home.
His administration encouraged the trafficking of guns into Mexico for the supposed purpose of tracking them to, and capturing, criminals. This has led to many deaths including a U.S. border patrol agent. But they knew crimes would be committed with those weapons - it could not be stopped, and that they could not capture the criminals. (Was this possibly a mission to build a case for gun control?)
Hypocrisy of this magnitude suggests a serious problem for a President of the U.S. Obama has been extremely immoral and anti-American in his actions, policies and personal associations. He is a statist who knows he has to disguise it in this relatively free country in order to further destroy our fundamental principles of freedom and individual rights. We need a Republican candidate in 2012 who understands those principles, has the ability and courage to enunciate them clearly to the public and expose Obama for what he truly stands for. Then we can have “hope and change” that is meaningful and good for the individual.
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