Atlas Shrugged is a philosophical/moral novel, not a political one. If you saw the movie but did not read the book, do the latter to more fully understand how Ayn Rand was able to be so prophetic about the negative changes in our culture.
She saw our demise as caused by the philosophic ideas and moral ideals most of us hold. The elite, educators and politicians among us simply carry the wrong message to the people.
She essentially began with a focus on reason: “You have sacrificed reason to faith.” E.g. Obama wants us to accept his rhetoric about hope and change on blind faith.
Then she emphasized that we need to reject the flawed moral ideals that cause our cultural and economic troubles. Only with reason and rationality - man’s most fundamental virtue which dictates relying solely on reason for one’s knowledge - can we be a society of moral individuals who respect freedom and the rights of others. But we are not taught the virtues that are compatible with rationality and are taught that we must sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others.
Justice is essential for judging the good from the bad, the worthy from the unworthy; but “you have sacrificed justice to mercy.” E.g. government support of homeowners who cannot afford homes.
Happiness should be one’s primary goal in life; but “you have sacrificed happiness to duty.” E.g. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” (Kennedy).
Self-esteem is an essential value for a successful and happy life; but “you have sacrificed self-esteem to self-denial.” E.g. attacks on, and envy of, wealthy individuals for what they have earned and praise for when they give their wealth away.
Wealth drives an economy and raises the standard of living for all; but “you have sacrificed wealth to need.” E.g. the entire needs-based morality of Obama and many politicians that justifies redistribution of people’s wealth; free health care for those whom government determines are in “need.”
Atlas asks you to question your ideals: re-evaluate your philosophical convictions; and then to live for yourself within the rational bounds of objective morality. Question our leaders’ actions and ask that they too embrace individualism as a moral ideal.
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