Friday, January 4, 2013

Current Issues

Obama’s 12/16 speech re the mass killings in Connecticut was yet another attempt to impose collectivism on our culture. “We can’t tolerate this anymore... these tragedies must end”; “this…is something we can only do together.” “We bear a responsibility for every child.” No Mr. President, we are not truly our “brothers’ keeper” and such tragedies will never end. 

Soon after - as with every such tragedy - the focus turned to gun control. Yet - as always - control advocates are ignoring the facts: criminals attack areas of least resistance - where guns are not allowed or in smaller numbers, there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and serious crime, and new laws cannot control guns. 

I see a three-pronged problem: 

1.    Gun-free zones: eliminate them. Enable responsible individuals in public places to carry or have easy access to guns for the protection of others. And find more creative ways to improve security in such areas. 

2.    The mentally ill: loosen legal restrictions on how we deal with them. E.g. allow a registry (with reasonably restricted access) that identifies persons who have been seen as a potential danger to others - just as we can reveal to the DMV people who are a danger driving. 

3.    Politics! Rational people could agree that we don’t generally need assault weapons for self-defense or sports. But government should not dictate our needs; and the political climate is such that yielding to the control advocates on such a point would only lead to further attempts to impose controls beyond reason. And even if Congress could pass a law that rationally determined which gun restrictions are and are not violations of our right to bear arms, that would not prevent criminals from obtaining illegal weapons. 

Fiscal Cliff: does anyone wonder how a “balanced” solution to the “Cliff” became defined as increased revenues (via tax hikes) and virtually no decrease in spending? Obama’s forced deal has certainly not averted a fiscal crisis yet to come. It simply advanced his short-term goals of punishing the rich, redistributing income for the sake of economic equality and subsidizing his friends. This will all be at the long-term expense of our economy which will likely be blamed on the next President.  

Note that our financial crisis of ’08 began with the equally irrational goal of “equality” of home ownership. Few seemed to understand how that would damage our economy either. Now using the same excuse to confiscate wealth is a moral disgrace; it is a good example of how our morality is been degraded and our political system destroyed. All such redistribution and divisive efforts are undertaken merely for a statist/Marxist principle. The lies to justify it all will never end unless people are taught that inequality is a natural and healthy phenomenon that benefits the poor the most when it results from free markets, not political cronyism and statist policies. As economist Yaron Brook said, “A society that cares about inequality of income is a sick society driven by altruism and envy.” Those who ask for unearned equality or inequality are guilty of parasitism.

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