Sunday, October 2, 2011

Is Obama a Friend of Israel?

President Obama continues his lies in his new AttackWatch web page. And foremost among them is the claim that he is a friend of Israel. Highlighted below are AttackWatch headings that need disputing. 

·       Political leaders in both countries have acknowledged his support. 

What else could they say? That is certainly no evidence of support. 

·      Robert Gates testified that Obama has done more to improve our relationship with Israel than any President in the last 45 years. 

In the testimony provided, Gates acknowledged that our partnership with Israel is critical to our national security. But no evidence of Obama’s steps to improve the relationship can be found. 

We all know of the evidence to the contrary: he has pressured Israel to concede to Palestinian demands (enhanced by Obama himself) and to accept a Palestinian State with 1967 borders which would seriously threaten Israel’s security (despite “mutually agreed swaps”). He has appeased Muslim States that support terrorism and even provided them financial aid; yet he once threatened to cancel aid to Israel. 

·      Obama said “the bonds between the U.S. and Israel are unbreakable…. It’s why we’ve increased cooperation between our militaries to unprecedented levels…. It’s why, despite tough fiscal times, we’ve increased foreign military financing to record levels.” 

His actions are much louder than his words. As a statist - with a transparent ideology, he no more shows an understanding of the real values of Israelis than he does of Americans. His “bond” does not preclude him from pressuring Israel to make dangerous concessions. Peace should not depend on “having leverage with the Palestinians” who support terrorism. He is willing to put Israel at risk for the sake of a Palestinian State that would become another terrorist threat to Israel. And he deceives himself when expecting Israel - with its new borders - to defend itself by itself against any and all Arab States. 

He would likely - out of necessity - act to prevent Israel’s destruction; but in the meantime, he will also likely continue to show support for the Arab States, and that simply puts more pressure on Israel. His plan for peace will necessarily fail and he knows it; and the Palestinians know it, which is why they hope for a U.N. vote to sanction a Palestinian State.  

Obama is much to blame for Abbas taking this issue to the U.N. And after the political blunders, he still could have prevented it, as the U.S. did similarly in 1989 and forced the repeal of the 1975 “Zionism is Racism” resolution in 1991, by threatening to withdraw U.N. funding. In his U.N. speech, while he over-praised the U.N. for enabling peace in the Middle East, he betrayed our interests by his weakness regarding the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. So he deserves the box he has put himself in: out of necessity, he will have to vote ‘no’ on a Palestinian State resolution; and that will further isolate him from the rest of the world. 

In summary: Obama can’t change the conditions for peace in favor of the terrorists and then expect peace or even to avoid the confrontations that follow. But he always does want to eat his cake and have it to! A friend of Israel? I don’t think so.

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