While the entire Left has continually spouted their talking points about Obama’s greatness, I have attempted to show in principle why none of it is true. As I have previously noted, his “hope and change” is - and always was - meaningless and disingenuous. And his goal of economic equality for all is an un-American goal. For the sake of this country’s future success measured against our exceptional past, he must be defeated this year.
Our “defining moments” should be defined by the true priority issues of the day. Economically, it is ‘government (controls/regulations) against the private sector’. Let the free markets work and the private sector will pull us out of our economic malaise and employment will fall dramatically.
Politically, it is ‘crony-socialism and corruption’, beginning in, and enabled by, government. That violates individual rights, creates unfair advantages for special interests, increases government costs, and enables irrational policies in such areas as the environment, energy, immigration and education.
Socially/morally, it is ‘failing to uphold individual rights while inappropriately defining “rights” ’. Politicians appear unable to rationally discuss and resolve issues such as abortion and gay marriage.
In foreign policy, it is ‘the lack of a coherent policy’. We do have a serious enemy, but it is not every non-ally. We must not forget that U.S. foreign policy is only meant to protect Americans’ rights from foreign threats; our enemy needs to be better defined, limited and then defeated.
Let’s have open debate on such “defining moments.” And let’s let that, not party politics and talking points, determine who should be our next President.